Better Health Home Care is a state-licensed agency that strongly believes in CARING. It’s a life touch that helps to keep the spirit, soul, mind, and body together, and caring knows no boundary. Caring is a powerful way we as people connect to make a difference in human lives by providing quality supportive services according to each unique plan of care.
On a mission, we join the great caring teams and families to provide quality support services that are non-medical and cost-effective right at home to individuals who cannot function independently due to health or personal problems and advanced age. In so doing, we continuously promote the quality of life, encouraging new hope, one’s level of independence, and prevent the early risk of institutional facilities.
Caring for you or your loved one on-one-on-one means a lot to us and adds more to quality of life. We believe it is very important to take time in caring for individuals with health problems or aged parents, one person at a time.
So whether you or your loved one is;
- Discharged from the hospital after illness or surgery; not fully recovered and in-need of homecare assistance while recuperating,
- Have a chronic health problem and requires care until stabilized,
- In the final stages of an incurable disease,
- Categorized as a mentally challenged individual,
- Unable to self-care due to advanced age or personal needs
Our experienced and dependable caregivers are like an extended family. Each caregiver works together with each individual and family member, or even when your family member is unavailable, in providing the utmost care based on each individual’s plan of care at the requested time. Our caregivers will help you to fully participate in your care, based on your unique need and choice, fully respect your right, and maintain your privacy.